BAIUST computer club


Competitive Programming

Line Follower Robot Competition

Idea Poster Presentation

Project Showcasing

Intra University Programming Contest

BAIUST Computer Club is very excited to announce that the registration form for BAIUST Intra University Programming Contest, 2022 is OPEN NOW!!!

Registration fee: 300 BDT The prize money: 7000 BDT.

-*!!! HAPPY CODING !!!*-

Line Follower Robot Competition

BAIUST Computer Club is very excited to announce that the registration form for Line Follower Robot Competition is OPEN NOW!!🎉🎉 Registration Fee (each team): BDT 900Taka Team Formation : A team will contain 3 contestants Prize money (as a team): BDT 5.5k in total - Champion: BDT 2.5K - 1st Runner-up: BDT 1.8K - 2nd Runner-up: BDT 1.2K

Idea Poster Presentation

BAIUST Computer Club is very excited to announce that the registration form for Idea Poster Presentation is OPEN NOW!!🎉🎉
Registration Fee: BDT 250Taka Prize money: BDT 2k in total - Champion: BDT 800Taka - 1st Runner-up: BDT 700Taka - 2nd Runner-up: BDT 500Taka

Project Showcasing

BAIUST Computer Club is very excited to announce that the registration form for Project Showcasing is OPEN NOW!!🎉🎉
Registration Fee: BDT 250Taka [Note: 260 tk for bKash payment] Prize money: BDT 3k in total - Champion: BDT 1,200Taka - 1st Runner-up: BDT 1,000Taka - 2nd Runner-up: BDT 800Taka

BAIUST Computer Club is thanking Bangladesh Ace Encoders for enabling Line Following Robot Competition, BAIUST CSE Fest 2022.

Thank You Tech Titans for being the Associate Partner of Intra University Programming Contest, BAIUST CSE Fest.

Intra BAIUST CSE Fest 2022

The much-awaited "Intra BAIUST CSE Fest 2022" was organized by BAIUST Computer Club (BCC) on last 24th and 25th of July. Associated by Dept of CSE, BAIUST. Supported by the Student Advisor Panel of BCC.
The main attraction of this fest was four different segments

"IUPC": Everyone knows how essential is IUPC for the CSE department. Intra University Programming Contest was organized on the 25th of July. A total of sixty contestants participated in IUPC. The prize money for IUPC was seven thousand takas. The eight position holders

"The idea poster presentation": Idea poster presentation brings out the creativity in the students. The idea poster presentation competition was open to students from all departments of BAIUST. Sixteen participants from all departments participated in this competition on the 24th of July. The total prize money was 2000 taka.
The three winners, Project showcasing: Being able to implement any idea and show it in the form of a project is impressive. Twelve participants were in the project showcasing segment from all departments on the 24th of July. Everyone's projects were amazing. Three winners were announced from these extraordinary projects and total prize money of 3000 takas was handed over to
"Intra BAIUST CSE Fest 2022" was sponsored by Tech Titans and Bangladesh Ace Encoders. The Prize giving ceremony is held at the end of the competition in all segments at the CSE festival. In the prize-giving ceremony, we had a speech from our honorable Vice Censelor Professor Brigadier General K M Salzar Hossain, NDC, psc (Retd.), Head of Department of CSE Mohammad Asaduzzaman Khan, CEO of Bangladeshdesh Ace Encoders Abdullah Raihan, Admin of CGC, and a representative from Tech Titans Rahat Shovo. There was a cultural event after the prize-giving ceremony. Students of CSE dept. had a performance there.